Everything you can use for your Tiger lessons.

We give you an indication of materials you can use in your class. Please not that we only give you information. It is best to search in your own area for these materials. 

  • Tiger Introduction Movie
    Tiger Introduction Movie

    In this movie we go further on the different Themes used in het Tigerprogram

    This movie is available in Dutch with English subtitles

    This article can only be ordered by approved Tiger Instructors

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    € 250,00
  • Tiger Parent Guides - per Theme - digital
    Tiger Parent Guides - per Theme - digital

    For the themes there are Parents guides available. In English. They are free of costs and only for approved Tiger Instructor available.

    In PDF, eacht theme has got a own Parent guide. The parent guide is 1 page per theme

    You can…

  • Tiger Lesson card - digital
    Tiger Lesson card - digital

    Card for guidance through the Themes. These are in Englisch and are free for you as an approved Tiger Instructor.

    We advice you to print the cards in color and seal them.

    You can order this article for free - we will sent them…

  • Markers

    We do not sell these articles, these are only to inform you what you can use in your Tigerlessons.

  • Soft balls
    Soft balls

    We do not sell these articles, these are only to inform you what you can use in your Tigerlessons.

  • Plastic little balls
    Plastic little balls

    We do not sell these articles, these are only to inform you what you can use in your Tigerlessons.

  • Pions

    We do not sell these articles, these are only to inform you what you can use in your Tigerlessons.

  • Foam wobbels
    Foam wobbels

    We do not sell these articles, these are only to inform you what you can use in your Tigerlessons.

  • Hoops

    We do not sell these articles, these are only to inform you what you can use in your Tigerlessons.

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